
Provisions of Standard 305-ПП (Governmental Decree No. 305)

28 June 2016

Requirements for architectural and urban planning solutions for multi-apartment residential buildings, design and construction of which are funded from the Moscow city budget.

1. Scope of Requirements for Architectural and Urban Planning Solutions

1.1. These Requirements for architectural and urban planning solutions for multi-apartment residential buildings, design and construction of which are funded from the Moscow city budget (hereinafter — the Requirements for architectural and urban planning solutions), were developed in accordance with Russian Federation law and laws of the city of Moscow in order to create a comfortable urban environment.

1.2. In the development of the Requirements for architectural and urban planning solutions, terms and definitions were used in accordance with the provisions of the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation, Moscow City Law of June 25, 2008 N28 “Urban Development Code of the City of Moscow”, СП (rules and regulations) 54.13330.2011 “Multi-apartment residential buildings” (SNiP (construction norms and regulations) 31-01-2003 revised edition), СП 42.13330.2011 “SNiP 2.07.01-89 *Urban Planning. Urban and rural planning and development”, GOST R 54858-2011.

1.3. These Requirements for architectural and urban planning solutions apply in the design of multi-apartment residential buildings (including sectional, corridor, gallery, corridor- and gallery-sectional types of arrangement) having three floors and more to be constructed within limits of the city of Moscow.

1.4. The Requirements for architectural and urban planning solutions include requirements for urban planning solutions, space-planning requirements for ground floors and standardized residential floors, and facade requirements.

2. Requirements for Urban Planning Solutions

2.1 Requirements for Urban Planning Solutions:

2.1.1. Block-section arrangement shall provide for the use of block-sections of various types.

2.1.2. Compositional and spatial planning of buildings of perimeter type shall include corner block-sections.

2.1.3. Selection of composition and space-planning solutions for residential buildings shall be determined by the particular urban situation (technological parameters shall allow for block-section offset both in relation to each other and within the block-section contour).

2.1.4. Compositional and spatial planning of residential buildings shall provide for variation in number of floors in a block-section.

2.2. Space-planning Requirements for Standardized Residential Floors

2.2.1. Internal arrangement of a block-section shall provide for several options of apartment layout on the floor.

2.2.2. Internal arrangement of a block-section shall provide for several options of layout of balconies/loggias and windows within one set of apartments.

2.2.3. The minimum height of a living room ceiling shall be 2.65 m.

2.2.4. Internal layout of apartments shall provide for flexibility of space-planning decisions or provide openings in interior walls.

2.2.5. Special structures and engineering elements (recessed niches, exterior modules with obligatory installation of protective/masking screens for air conditioners spaced across the facade and the accompanying flush wiring of the inner contour of residential premises) shall be designed in order to install outdoor units of air conditioners (except for apartment buildings with central air-conditioning systems).

2.3. Space-planning Requirements for Ground Floors

2.3.1. When planning an apartment block, entrances to residential part of a building shall be arranged from the yard and the street; entrances to public premises must be located only on the side facing the street.

2.3.2. If public spaces are on the ground floor, load-bearing structural elements shall provide for open-plan both on the floor and in the public premises.

2.3.3. When planning entrances to buildings, in order to ensure access for people with restricted mobility and avoid using structures that obstruct entrances to the building, design projects should simultaneously provide:

— the same floor level on the floor: without height differences between levels of entrances and elevator halls;

— the minimal difference between the level of the entrance from the pavement and the level of the floor in the entrance lobby (in case of long length building construction and significant difference of levels of the natural land surface, variability of entrance levels in each section shall be ensured; it is also possible to reshape the land surface by cutting or raising the site and land grading to provide the relief level that is necessary for making comfortable entrances to the lobbies).

2.4. Facade Requirements

2.4.1. A variety of design solutions and facade reliefs shall be provided, including the end and corner block-sections (p. 2.2.2 hereof).

2.4.2. If transition balconies are projected vertically on the outside of a building over the entire height of the building, additional methods shall be applied to provide design solutions and facade reliefs for that part of the building.

2.4.3. Various facades finishes shall be used for each block-section (technological characteristics shall allow for the use of at least three types of finishing materials that differ in texture, colour, and format).

2.4.4. Facade solutions for ground floors shall include more translucent structures (in comparison with standardized floors).

2.4.5. Front doors (entrances) to residential parts of buildings shall be made of translucent structures.

Images: MKA


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